Nicaragua / Accommodation

The best places to stay in Leon

  • Hotels Leon Nicaragua

Hotels in Leon

The second largest city in Nicaragua, and a popular destination for visitors, Leon is surprisingly lacking in hotel options.

The stand out hotel, by quite some way, is the wonderful El Convento Hotel, perhaps the most atmospheric hotel in all Nicaragua and located just a short walk from the main square.

Beyond El Convento, well, options are more limited.

Comfortable, tourist grade accommodation is on offer at both Hotel La Perla & Hotel La Recoleccion.

Both Hotel Los Balcones & Hotel Real are small, friendly and atmospheric budget hotels while Hotel Austria & Hotel Cacique Adiact are also options.

All of the above hotels are very centrally located and within easy walking distance of all the city’s key sites and attractions.


Beyond The Ordinary arrange fully bonded, tailor made holidays and tours to Nicaragua. Contact one of our experts on 01580 764796, email or contact us via our website.

When to visit Nicaragua

  • January

  • February

  • March

  • April

  • May

  • June

  • July

  • August

  • September

  • October

  • November

  • December

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