Has Cuba Been Spoiled?
For many of those contemplating a holiday to Cuba, there is often that nagging thought, have I left it too late – has Cuba been spoiled?
For many of those contemplating a holiday to Cuba, there is often that nagging thought, have I left it too late – has Cuba been spoiled?
Parque La Guira is one of those places that very few visitors to Cuba seem to know about, let alone visit.
Little known in the UK, Punta Rock originated in Belize in the 1970s and is popular throughout Central America.
Undoubtedly one of the highlights of any holiday to Mexico is the opportunity to visit or stay in one of the haciendas of the Yucatan.
Let’s face it, go to any coffee growing country in the world and you will receive an impassioned eulogy explaining exactly why their coffee is the best in the world. Guatemalan coffee is no different.
Habaguanex was formed in January 1994 and is essentially the commercial arm of Havana’s City Historian’s Office; think of it in terms of the UK’s National Trust having their own tourism business and you will get the gist of things.
If truth be told, Mexico does not have a great reputation for law and order and with good reason. So why are we so relaxed about travel to the Yucatan?
Located on the northern side of Parque Jose Marti, the Teatro Tomas Terry is probably the single most impressive building in the city of Cienfuegos on Cuba's south coast.
While the vast majority of Guatemala’s population can be described as indigenous Mayan, Spanish descent or mixed, the Garifuna population of Livingston on the country’s Caribbean coast is entirely different.
Of the limited selection of hotels in Placencia Village (and please note, we are talking purely about the Village here and not Maya Beach) our favourite is Villa Ranguana.
Although often referred to as the Morro Castle, the correct name of Santiago de Cuba's iconic castle is San Pedro de la Roca.
There can be no over-stating the importance of travel insurance – no matter where in the world you are visiting – although with Cuba there are additional factors that need to be taken into account.
No matter whether you have any interest in Cuba history, you cannot visit the island and escape the presence, almost 50 years after his death, of Che Guevara.
Driving in Cuba - are you mad? Well no actually, although that is probably the response you’ll get if you suggest the possibility of Cuba Fly Drive holiday to the not-so-adventurous travel community.
Taken from the Mayan word, dzonot, meaning a well, cenotes are natural sinkholes, the result of collapsed limestone bedrock exposing the subterranean groundwater. They are found both inland and by the coast and can be either freshwater or saltwater.
What comes into your mind when you think of Guatemala? Spewing volcanoes, lush jungles, towering Mayan temples, a multitude of different ethnic groups……or a Chicken Bus?
Although holidays to Cuba are now very much in the mainstream, there is still a fair degree of confusion regards many aspects of travel to the island, hence my own summary of Cuba FAQ.
An ATOL is an Air Transport Organisers Licence which allows a tour operator to put together and sell a package holiday, either via a travel agent or direct to the public. It is administered by the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) in the UK.
Commencing Sunday 2nd April 2017, Virgin Atlantic will commence weekly flights from London Gatwick to the Cuban beach resort of Varadero.
A casa particular (normally abbreviated to just ‘casa’) is a cross between a traditional homestay and a UK style Bed & Breakfast
The Belize Chocolate Company is based in San Pedro on the beautiful Belizean island of Caye Ambergris.
As a small country, one of the many joys of taking a holiday to Belize are the short travel distances involved as well as the sheer ease of travel. On my most recent visit to the country, my first internal journey, from Corozal to Caye Ambergris, took under an hour.
Referred to as either the largest, second largest or even third largest fort in the Americas, La Cabana Havana is a vast 18th century fort that overlooks Havana from the eastern side of the bay.
While there are direct, scheduled flights between the UK and Mexico (both Cancun & Mexico City), the same can’t be said for Guatemala; nor is that likely to change any time soon. So, indirect flight it is.
Museum of the Struggle Against Bandits - it’s doesn’t really roll off the tongue, and the (eventual) website name will be a challenge, but this quirky museum in Trinidad is well worth a visit.
In a previous article we talked about Playa del Carmen which, over the space of some 40 years, has morphed from a charming little fishing village with a lovely beach into a thriving, mini-city that just so happens to have a lovely beach.
Atop a steep hill above San Ignacio is the smartest hotel in town (smart enough for the Queen to have been a guest on her visit to Belize in February 1994), the San Ignacio Resort Hotel; and very nice it is too.
Havana is a city full of museums so, for anyone whose time is limited, deciding which ones to visit is an important consideration. Amongst the best, at least in our opinion, is the Palacio de los Capitanes Generales.
After a major renovation program, the Gran Teatro de La Habana Alicia Alonso (to give it its catchy, full title) is once again open to the public and showcasing the very best in Cuban cultural performances.
Although the US trade embargo with Cuba remains in place, severely limiting the ability of airlines to fly freely between the 2 countries, the phoney war is certainly beginning to hot-up when it comes to discussing US flights to Cuba.
Chicken Pepian is one of the most traditional dishes to be found in Guatemala and, thus far, also ranks as my favourite. It’s not hard to make at home although not you might not have all the ingredients sitting around in your kitchen cupboard.
No, nope not the famous film, nor even the Moroccan city, but a quiet waterfront district on the ‘other side’ of Havana Bay.
Once a small, sleepy fishing village with a beautiful beach, Playa del Carmen – or Playa as it is now more commonly known - was first ‘discovered’ by independent travellers back in the 70’s, searching for an altogether less commercial, more authentic alternative to the rapidly growing fun-factory that is Cancun.
For those who can’t stretch to business class – and that will cover the vast majority of travellers – Virgin Atlantic Premium Economy offers a bit more space and comfort at more affordable rates.
If you’re hankering to get off the tourist-radar in Cuba, but not have to travel for hours to the middle of nowhere, you could do a lot worse than Caibarien.
Go to any restaurant or food-shack in Belize and you can be pretty certain of one thing being on the menu – a Marie Sharp’s hot pepper sauce or other condiment.
The Dhawa Cayo Las Brujas is set to open later this year and promises to be one of the most innovative and luxurious beach hotels in Cuba.
Mexicans are proud of their national cuisine which varies from region to region. The Yucatan is no exception with numerous local specialities happily rubbing shoulders with pan Mexican favourites and a wide selection of international options.
By the standards of Guatemala’s most famous Mayan sites, such as those at Tikal & Yaxha, the small settlement of Quirigua might come as something of a let-down.
Section 75 of the UK Consumer Credit Act 1974 stipulates that if you, the consumer, pay for something costing between £100 and £30,000 by credit card, then the provider of that credit (ie the credit card company) is equally liable if anything goes wrong.
When making your travel arrangements, we understand just how important peace-of-mind is. Beyond The Ordinary hold both ATOL & ABTOT bonds so whether you book your flights through us, or independently, any money you pay us is 100% protected. More detailed information on Financial Protection can be found by clicking here.
Whichever of our featured countries you wish to visit, we've been there several times. So, if you're after something beyond the ordinary to Cuba, Guatemala or the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, we'd love to hear from you.
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